College of Nursing
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Events & Continuing Education
Airway Workshop
Hands-on training with cutting edge technology and high fidelity simulation, including cricothyrotomy training with animal cadavers, ultrasound assessments, awake intubation procedures, and new devices from Glidescope that integrate FOB and DL. Join us for all of this and to see the full schedule/register.
Date of Event: Saturday, January 7th, 2023
Annual Nurse Anesthesia Doctoral project Dissemination Event
Join us for the annual research event highlighting the work of the senior DNP students. Sponsored by the Nurse Anesthesia Department, all proceeds from registration go toward the NA Student Development Fund. This year the meeting will be held virtually. The meeting features podium presentations and poster presentations on clinically relevant and timely evidence based practice. More information and register.
DATE OF EVENT: Saturday, March 4th, 2023
Annual Congress
Annual Congress is the largest meeting of CRNAs in the world! Offering multiple educational tracks and concurrent sessions, hands-on workshops, industry lectures, vendor interaction, and fun networking opportunities, this is the premier event for CRNAs.
Save the date Annual Congress: August 18-22, 2023
White Coat Ceremony
During a ceremony held Oct. 7, 2022, nurse anesthesia students received the white coats that signify the beginning of their clinical education. Congratulations DNP Class of 2023!
2023 CRNA Week
RFU DNP Students celebrate national CRNA Week (Jan.22-28th, 2023)
National CRNA Week is the AANA’s annual celebration of anesthesia patient safety and the nation’s nearly 54,000 Certified Registered Nurse Anesthetists and student registered nurse anesthetists who safely and cost-effectively provide more than 49 million anesthetics each year.
CRNA Week 2023: January 24-30, 2023
The Illinois Association of Nurse Anesthetists hold meetings throughout the state every spring and fall. Students from RFU and the Illinois nurse anesthesia programs are invited to give educational lectures to practicing CRNAs and other SRNAs to enhance their knowledge on pertinent anesthesia topics. RFU students have been presenting at IANA meetings for several years through podium presentations, usually by the school representative to the IANA. This is a great opportunity for CRNA residents to develop their public speaking, network with other CRNAs, and disseminate the work they have done while in the program.
Save the date for IANA 2023: TBD
Wisconsin Association of Nurse Anesthetists
The Wisconsin Association of Nurse Anesthetists hold meetings throughout the state every spring and fall. Students from RFU and the Wisconsin nurse anesthesia programs are invited to give educational lectures to practicing CRNAs and other SRNAs to enhance their knowledge on pertinent anesthesia topics. RFU students have been presenting at WIANA meetings for several years through podium presentations and poster presentations. This is a great opportunity for CRNA residents to develop their public speaking, network with other CRNAs, and disseminate the work they have done while in the program.
Save the date for WIANA 2021: TBD
Mid-Year Assembly
Students and faculty attend the Mid-Year Assembly to learn about the power of advocacy in protecting and promoting the practice of nurse anesthetists. The Assembly offers novice and expert tracks on the legislative process, lobbying, and position statements of the national organization. All attendees spend several days meeting with legislators and their aides on the Hill to discuss issues that are important to the profession.
Save the Date: TBD
Advocacy is an important part of nurse anesthesia education, since legislation and politics and impact our practice greatly. In addition to lectures on policy and advocacy, our residents are encouraged to attend Lobby Day for CRNAs in Springfield, IL and Madison, WI. They are also mentored to meet with their own representatives at the state and federal level to discuss issues that are important to CRNAs. CRNA residents have the opportunity during their junior and senior years to attend the Mid Year Assembly in Washington, DC. CRNA Week is a celebrated time at RFU and our residents use it as an opportunity to promote the profession and educate other healthcare specialty students about our role. Featured here are photos from the advocacy efforts of the RFU Nurse Anesthesia residents over the years.