Chicago Medical School
In this section
Faculty Opportunities
Chicago Medical School (CMS) prides itself in providing a rich and meaningful faculty experience. A member of the CMS faculty can participate in multiple ways, including teaching, research, mentoring, career counseling, service on various committees, and clinical practice at our clinic or affiliate sites.
Teaching Opportunities

Small-Group Preceptor for Essentials of Clinical Reasoning (ECR) Course
Time Commitment: Flexible

Small-Group Preceptor for Principles of Professionalism, Health Care & Health Equity Course
Time Commitment: Flexible

Teaching CMS Residents in Internal Medicine or Psychiatry Programs
Time Commitment: Flexible
More details for each opportunity:
Classroom Lecturer for Courses in Phase 1 Curriculum
Time Commitment: Flexible
Give a lecture during an M1 or M2 course, including:
- Scientific Foundations of Medicine
- Clinical Foundations of Medicine
- Clinical Anatomy
- Essentials of Clinical Reasoning
- Foundations of Interprofessional Practice
- Infection-Immunology-Hematology
- Clinical Epidemiology
- Skin
- Gastroenterology
- Cardiovascular-Pulmonary-Renal
- Bioethics
- Neurobehavioral Health (NBH)
- Patient Safety
- Musculoskeletal (MSK)
- Endocrine-Reproductive
- Multisystem
- Clinical Skills
- Dr. David Everly: david.everly@rosalindfranklin.edu
- Dr. Lalita Prasad-Reddy: lalita.prasadreddy@rosalindfranklin.edu
Clerkship Lecturer
Time Commitment: Flexible
Give a lecture during an M3 clerkship, including:
- Internal Medicine
- Surgery
- Obstetrics & Gynecology
- Pediatrics
- Neurology
- Psychiatry
- Family Medicine/Primary Care
- Emergency Medicine
- Internal Medicine — Dr. Stuart Kiken: stuart.kiken@rosalindfranklin.edu or kiks@sinai.org
- Surgery — Dr. Michael Zdon: michael.zdon@rosalindfranklin.edu
- Obstetrics & Gynecology — Dr. Richard Trester: richard.trester@rosalindfranklin.edu or richard.trester@sinai.org
- Pediatrics — Dr. Tova Appleson: tova.appleson@rosalindfranklin.edu
- Neurology — Dr. Terrence Li: terrence.li@rosalindfranklin.edu
- Psychiatry — Dr. Biana Kotlyar: biana.kotlyar@rosalindfranklin.edu
- Family Medicine/Primary Care — Dr. Andrew Dahlem: andrew.dahlem@rosalindfranklin.edu
- Emergency Medicine — Dr. Nathan Sandalow: nathan.sandalow@rosalindfranklin.edu and Dr. John Wahhab: john.wahhab@rosalindfranklin.edu
Lecturer for M3 Electives
Time Commitment: Flexible
Give a lecture to third-year medical students during an elective course.
- Sheryl Juliano: sheryl.juliano@rosalindfranklin.edu
- Dr. Michael Allswede: michael.allswede@rosalindfranklin.edu
Bedside Teaching
Bedside Teaching at Clinical Sites
Time Commitment: Flexible
Teach M3 and M4 students in the clinical setting during clerkships, sub-internships, and M3 and M4 electives.
- Contact the individual Site Director for each specialty. Email Dr. Brenda Affinati (brenda.affinati@rosalindfranklin.edu) to connect with the proper Site Director.
Small-Group Preceptor
Small-Group Preceptor for Essentials of Clinical Reasoning (ECR) Course
Time Commitment: Flexible
Teach clinical skills in a lab or simulation setting.
- Dr. Rosanne Oggoian: rosanne.oggoian@rosalindfranklin.edu
Small-Group Preceptor
Small-Group Preceptor for Schema Cases
Time Commitment: Flexible
Serve as preceptor during extended cases presented by students in groups of 8, culminating each week’s curricular focus on a particular clinical presentation.
- Dr. Stuart Kiken: stuart.kiken@rosalindfranklin.edu or kiks@sinai.org
Small-Group Preceptor
Small-Group Preceptor for Principles of Professionalism, Health Care & Health Equity Course
Time Commitment: Flexible
Lead small-group sessions during the Principles of Professionalism, Health Care & Health Equity course. This is a longitudinal course series which prepares the student for the practice of medicine in the contemporary social and cultural healthcare environment. Students will be introduced to selected topics (including professionalism, ethical challenges in clinical practice, health disparities and healthcare inequities, social determinants of health, medical humanities in an era of technology, structural racism, sexism, sexual and gender minority (SGM) bias and other discrimination, and implicit bias) and will then identify strategies and applications to achieve health equity in clinical practice. The course includes lectures, small group discussions, patient panels, and written reflections.
- Dr. Dima Arbach: dima.arbach@rosalindfranklin.edu
- Dr. Melissa Chen: melissa2.chen@rosalindfranklin.edu
Small-Group Preceptor
Small-Group Preceptor for Clinical Skills Remediation
Time Commitment: Flexible
- Dr. Leo Kelly: leo.kelly@rosalindfranklin.edu or leo.kelly@advocatehealth.com
Faculty Development
Presenter at a Faculty Development Event
Time Commitment: Flexible
Give a lecture/presentation or lead a workshop for CMS faculty during Educational Grand Rounds or any other faculty development event.
- Dr. Nutan Vaidya: nutan.vaidya@rosalindfranklin.edu
Preceptor for Clinical Foundations of Medicine Course
Time Commitment: Flexible
Serve as preceptor to M1 students in the Clinical Foundations of Medicine course. This is a course designed to develop standardized clinical performance skills and an initial approach to the patient, providing patient care that is safe, effective and efficient through accurate initial data collection and screening, application of appropriate stabilization protocols, transport and turnover of the patient at the receiving hospital site.
- Dr. Regina Gomez: regina.gomez@rosalindfranklin.edu
Teaching Residents
Teaching CMS Residents in Internal Medicine or Psychiatry Programs
Time Commitment: Flexible
Teach CMS Internal Medicine or Psychiatry residents (either lectures or bedside teaching).
- Internal Medicine Residency Program (Lovell Federal Health Care Center) — Dr. William Cotter: william.cotter@va.gov
- Internal Medicine Residency Program (Northwestern McHenry) — Dr. Maryna Shayuk: maryna.shayuk@rosalindfranklin.edu
- Psychiatry Residency Program — Dr. Paul Hung: paul.hung@rosalindfranklin.edu and Dr. Dima Arbach: dima.arbach@rosalindfranklin.edu