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Robert Joseph, DPM, PhD, FACFAS

Dr. Robert Joseph is a 1994 graduate of Washington University St. Louis and 2003 Graduate of Scholl College. His PhD research career began in arthritis and connective tissue biochemistry where he received his PhD from Rush University. Since then, his research has focused on translational research and building interdisciplinary research teams that have included carbon engineers, biologists, physical therapists, health communication researchers and most recently global health experts from various medical and surgical specialties. His collaborations include a diabetic limb salvage program in Haiti using telehealth to address health disparities and medical education. This work was awarded Honorable Mention for the United States Public Health Service (USPHS) and IPEC Public Health Excellence in Interprofessional Education Collaboration Award. It was also featured in a continuing medical education webinar by the Interprofessional Education Collaborative (IPEC). He is an active leader and affiliate with various organizations including the American College of Foot and Ankle Surgeons, and the Western Pennsylvania Hospital Foot and Ankle Society.
Dr. Joseph's research interests include interprofessional collaboration in clinical outcomes and education assessment, reconstructive surgery and wound healing.
Fleischer AE, Yorath MC, Joseph RM, Baron A, Nordquist T, Moore BJ, Robinson R, Reilly CH. The Cost Effectiveness of Low Molecular Weight Heparin after Foot and Ankle Surgery. J. Foot Ankle Surg. 2018 May - Jun; 57(3):543-551.
Joseph RM, Robinson R, Fleischer A, Jaffe L, Joseph A, Baker I, Truong J, Nouvong A, Parsley NL, Becker J, Interprofessionalism A Cornerstone of Innovation and Medical Education at Scholl College of Podiatric Medicine. JAPMA 2018 November/December 108(6): 560-563.
Joseph RM, Barhorst J. Surgical reconstruction and mobilization therapy for a retracted Extensor Hallucis Longus laceration and tendon defect repaired by split extensor Hallucis Longus tendon lengthening and dermal scaffold augmentation. J Foot Ankle Surg. 2012 Jul; 51(4): 509-516.
Czarneck JS, Lafdi K, Joseph RM, and Tsonis PA. Hybrid carbon-based scaffolds for applications in soft tissue reconstruction. Tiss. Eng. Part A. 2012 May; 18(9-10): 946-956.
Joseph RM, Greenberg M, Schroder K: A Retrospective Analysis of Lesser Metatarsalphalangeal Joint Fusion as a Treatment Option for Hammertoe Pathology Associated with Lesser Metatarsalphalangeal Instability. J Foot Ankle Surg. 2012 Jan; 51(1): 57-62.
Joseph RM, Building Team Relationships that Reduce Amputation Risk and Build Your Practice “Improving Quality of Care Processes with Your Primary Care Referrers in the Community”. Pod Mgmt. 2011 Nov/ Dec : 109-118.
Joseph RM, Robinson JD, Sparks L. Diabetic Foot Health Education and Amputation Prevention. Health Comm. 2010; 25: 607-608.
Landsman A , Agnew P, Parish L, Joseph RM, Galiano RD. A Randomized, Multi-center, Prospective Analysis of Diabetic Foot Ulcers treated with Becaplermin and TheraGauze, a Moisture-Controlling Smart Dressing. J Am Podiatr Med Associate 2010 May-Jun; 100(3):155-60.
Joseph RM. Osteoarthritis of the Ankle: Bridging Concepts in Basic Science with Clinical Care. Clin Podiatr Med Surg. 2009 Apr; 26(2):169-84. (Review)
Joseph RM, Li T. Over Expression of Bcl-2 or Bcl-Xl Transgenes and Photoreceptor Degeneration. Invest Ophthalmol Vis Sci. 1996 Nov; 37(12): 2434-46.