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Developing and sharing knowledge and resources to transform healthcare.
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As a leader in interprofessionalism, Rosalind Franklin University’s goal is to disseminate interprofessional research that will transform the national healthcare system.
The university’s focus on an interprofessional, team-based approach to quality patient- centered care is driven by a commitment to improving patient outcomes and reducing medical errors. The research conducted within the Institute and university compliments the Rosalind Franklin University’s commitment to rigorous inquiry, discovery, and the advancement of knowledge.
Research and scholarship goals at the Institute include opportunities to:
- Promote Interprofessional research and scholarship activities throughout the university
- Identify research grant funding opportunities for IP research and scholarship
- Develop and implement tools for assessing IP competencies
- Develop and implement quality improvement procedures for IP activities at the university and clinical sites
- Increase the number of IP collaborative research and scholarship activities each year
- Increase the number of IP presentations given by university personnel each year
- Serve as a national resource for IP research
- Disseminate research findings through peer-reviewed healthcare publications.
To highlight interprofessional research and scholarship conducted by faculty and research staff working within the three centers for excellence housed within The Dewitt C. Baldwin Institute for Interprofessional Education, a selection of publications and presentations are updated and rotated quarterly.
Baker M, Aitchison R, Pabst A. Fear in interprofessional simulation: The role of psychology and behaviorism in student participation and learning. J Interprof Educ Pract. April 2021:100432. doi:10.1016/j.xjep.2021.100432
Baker-Rush, M. & Zraick, R. (2021). Simulation for clinical education in communication sciences and Disorders. In Simulations for clinical education in CSD and Faculty development and training. Dudding, C. & Ginsberg, S. (Eds.) SLACK Publishing. (In Press)
Baker-Rush, M. (2021). Research and Advocacy. In Simulations for Clinical Education in CSD and Faculty Development and Training. Dudding, C. & Ginsberg, S. (Eds.). SLACK Publishing. (In Press)
Bowman J, Baker-Rush M. Preventing re-hospitalizations through chronic disease management. The Voice; Illinois Speech Language Hearing Association (ISHA). 2021;46(2):15-16.
Bunting SR, Calabrese SK, Garber SS, Ritchie TD, Batteson TJ. Where do health professions students learn about pre-exposure prophylaxis (PrEP) for HIV prevention? Med Sci Educ. 2021;31(2):1-5. doi:10.1007/s40670-021-01265-3
Bunting SR, Chirica MG, Ritchie TD, Garber SS, Batteson TJ. A national study of medical students' attitudes toward sexual and gender minority populations: evaluating the effects of demographics and training. LGBT Health. 2021;8(1):79-87. doi:10.1089/lgbt.2020.0288
Reeter, R., Baker-Rush, M. (2020). Speaking Valve Use - Some Questions to Consider. The Voice; Illinois Speech Language Hearing Association March 2020
Hawthorne, K & Baker-Rush, M. Care of the Patient with an artificial Airway. In Cardiovascular and Pulmonary Physical Therapy: Evidence to Practice, 6th Edition. Frownfelter, D. & Dean, E. (Eds.). Elsevier, St. Louis Missouri. (In press)
Baker-Rush, M. & Fownfelter, D. Patient Education. In Cardiovascular and Pulmonary Physical Therapy: Evidence to Practice, 6th Edition. Frownfelter, D. & Dean, E. (Eds.). Elsevier, St. Louis Missouri. (In press)
Bunting S, Garber S, Goldstein R, et al. Health Profession Students' Awareness, Knowledge, and Confidence Regarding Preexposure Prophylaxis: Results of a National, Multidisciplinary Survey. Sexually Transmitted Diseases. 2021 Jan;48(1):25-31. DOI: 10.1097/olq.0000000000001263.
Bunting S, Chirica M, Ritchie T, Garber S, Batteson, T. A National Study of Medical Students' Attitudes Toward Sexual and Gender Minority Populations: Evaluating the Effects of Demographics and Training. LGBT Health. 2021; 8(1), 79-87.
Bunting S, Garber S, Goldstein R, Ritchie T, Batteson T, Keyes, T. Student Education About Pre-exposure Prophylaxis (PrEP) Varies Between Regions of the United States. Journal of general internal medicine. 2020;1-9.
Olivier M, Polachek C, Park C, Batteson T, LoDuca A. Ocular risk factors for eye disease and associated sociodemographic factors in underserved communities within greater Chicagoland. Investigative Ophthalmology & Visual Science. 2020; 61(7), 1579-1579.
Bunting, Samuel R., et al. “Student Education About Pre-Exposure Prophylaxis (PrEP) Varies Between Regions of the United States.” Journal of General Internal Medicine, 2020, doi:10.1007/s11606-020-05736-y.
Baker-Rush M. Assessing Learning Method: Is it part of our daily practice? The Voice, Illinois Speech Language Hearing Association Newsletter. January 2019; 44 (2), 9-10.
Candelario D, Cunningham K, Solano LA, Pabst A, Srivastava S. Description of a transitions of care and telemedicine simulation lab activity. Currents in Pharmacy Teaching and Learning. 2019;11(11):1184-1189. doi:10.1016/j.cptl.2019.07.017
Schwertfeger JL, Thuente L, Hung P, Larson SL. Post-discharge interventions to enhance coping skills for survivors of stroke and their caregivers. JBI Database of Systematic Reviews and Implementation Reports. 2019:1. doi:10.11124/jbisrir-d-18-00024
Bunting SR, Saqueton R, Batteson TJ. Using a student-led, community-specific training module to increase PrEP uptake amongst at-risk populations: results from an exploratory pilot implementation. AIDS Care. 2019:1-5. doi:10.1080/09540121.2019.1659916
Batteson T, Garber SS. Assessing constructs underlying interprofessional competencies through the design of a new measure of interprofessional education. Journal of Interprofessional Education & Practice. 2019;16:100195. doi:10.1016/j.xjep.2018.08.004
Baker-Rush M. Ethical Reflection. The Voice, Illinois Speech Language Hearing Association Newsletter. October 2018; 44 (1), 14-15.
Fewster-Thuente L, Batteson T. Kolb’s Experiential Learning Theory as an underpinning for interprofessional education. Journal of Allied Health. 2018;47(1), 3-8.
Fewster-Thuente L, Batteson T. Teaching Collaboration Competencies to healthcare provider students through simulation. Journal of Allied Health. 2018;47(1): 3-8.
Reeter R, Baker-Rush M. Ethically preparing to accept tracheostomized and or mechanically ventilated patients on your caseload. The Voice, Illinois Speech Language Hearing Association Newsletter. 2018;43 (3), 8-9.
Baker-Rush M, Zemsky-Dineen M. Where Research Meets the Road. The Voice, Illinois Speech Language Hearing Association Newsletter. 2018;43(1):12.
Zemsky Dineen, M. & Baker-Rush, M. (2021). Your Secret Decoder Ring: A Guide to CPT Use. Illinois Speech Language Hearing Association Annual Convention, Virtual Presentation.
Mazur, Z., Baker-Rush, M. (2020, October). An Innovative Simulation-Based Activity to Increase Early Learner’s Confidence. Physician Assistant Education Association (PAEA). Austin, Texas [Poster].
Baker-Rush, M. Mazur, Z, & Friedman, L. (2020, September): Interprofessional experiential educational programming: PA and DPT Students self-reports of growth. NEXUS Summit
Gordon W, Thuente L, Gierman-Riblon C. Gamification of an online teams-based course. Peer-reviewed poster presented at: Thomas Jefferson University: Interprofessional Care for the 21st Century Conference; April 2021; Virtual conference.
Gordon W, Thuente L. Teaching IP concepts interactively and remotely while on the low end of the technology continuum. Peer-reviewed presentation presented at: Thomas Jefferson University Interprofessional Care for the 21st Century conference; April 2021; Virtual conference.
Thuente L, Gordon W. IP from admission through graduation. Peer-reviewed presentation presented at: Thomas Jefferson University Interprofessional Care for the 21st Century conference; April 2021; Virtual conference.
Zemsky DM, Baker-Rush M. Your secret decoder ring: A guide to CPT use. Talk presented at: Illinois Speech Language Hearing Association Annual Convention; February 2021; Virtual presentation.
Batteson T, Chirica M. Metacognition, Moral Reasoning and System Safety in Collaborative Team Decision Making.Oral presentation at:13th Annual Midwest Interprofessional Practice, Education, and Research Virtual Conference; September 16 - 18, 2020; Grand Rapids, MI.
Batteson T, Carlson J, Chirica M. Can Augmented Intelligence be part of the Healthcare Team? The case for Isabel as a Diagnostic Reasoning Team Member SciTS 2020 Virtual Conference; Duke University; June 1 – 4, 2020; Durham, NC.
Batteson T, Chirica, M. Metacognition, Moral Reasoning and System Safety in Collaborative Team Decision Making, SciTS 2020 Virtual Conference, Duke University; June 1 – 4, 2020: Durham, NC.
Baker-Rush M. Evaluating the Evidence in EBP: Understanding Methods. Oral Presentation at: Illinois Speech Language Hearing Association; February, 2020; Rosemont, IL.
Launder M, Krebsbach C, Kingston K, Lugo L, Eulenberg B. How to Deliver Verbal Feedback with Learners - SP Boot Camp: Session 2 - Onboarding Novice SPs. Oral Presentation at: Association of Standardized Patient Educators Annual Conference; June 2020; Portland, OR
Baker-Rush M, Hanson M. Innovation and System Integration: The Good, The Bad and the Ugly. Oral Presentation at: Chicago Simulation Consortium Annual Conference; November, 2019; Maywood, IL.
Thuente L, Gordon W. Cost efficient with high yields: Low-fidelity simulation on a shoe-string. Oral presentation at: the North American Simulation and Gaming Association Conference; November, 2019; Chicago, IL.
Dajani S, Thuente L. Institution-wide program to facilitate interprofessionalism to healthcare professions students. Oral presentation at: Collaborating Across Borders VII Conference Series; October, 2019; Indianapolis, IN.
Gordon W, Thuente L, Gierman-Riblon C. Gamifying an online course in building effective teams. Poster presented at: Collaborating Across Borders VII Conference Series; October 2019; Indianapolis, IN.
Gierman-Riblon C, Thuente L, Gordon W. In their own words: A study of how providers experienced interprofessionalism during the development of an interprofessional practice and how that should influence what we teach our students. Oral presentation at: Collaborating Across Borders VII Conference; October, 2019; Indianapolis, IN.
Thuente L, Batteson T, Garber S. Teaching interprofessionalism through a simulation based on health disparities and social determinants of health. Oral presentation at: Collaborating Across Borders VII Conference; October, 2019; Indianapolis, IN.
Baker-Rush M, Zemsky Dineen M. Interprofessional or Multidisciplinary – Is it just semantics? Oral presentation at: Illinois Speech Language Hearing Association Annual Convention; 2019. Rosemont, IL.
Launder M, Krebsbach C, Kingston K, Eulenberg B. Developing a Confident Standardized Patient - SP Boot Camp: Session 1 - Onboarding Novice SPs. Oral presentation at: Association of Standardized Patient Educators Annual Conference; June 2019; Orlando, FL.
Krebsbach C, Gliva-McConvey G, Wallace A. Foundations of Standardized Patient Methodology I - Standardized Patient Training. Pre Conference Immersion Course at: Association of Standardized Patient Educators Annual Conference; June 2019; Orlando, FL.
Baker-Rush M. Interprofessional Collaboration and Ethics. Oral presentation at: Southern Cook County Speech Language Hearing Association Meeting: April, 2019: Crestwood, IL.
Quan T, Liang J, Singh P, Faith E, Thuente L, Abbas Z, Loweth L. Retrospective comparison of GAD 7/PHQ 9 scores between diabetic, pre-diabetic, and non-diabetic populations in an interprofessional student run free clinic. Oral presentation at: Society of Student Run Free Clinics Annual Conference; March, 2019; Kansas City, KS.
Ahsan Z, Liang J, Thuente L, Abbas Z, Loweth L. Variables affecting patient satisfaction in an interprofessional student-led free clinic. Oral presentation at: Society of Student Run Free Clinics Annual Conference; March, 2019; Kansas City, KS.
Pabst A, Baker-Rush M, Thuente L. IPE through simulation: Bridging education to clinical practice. Oral presentation at: American Speech-Language-Hearing Association Annual Convention; November2018; Boston, MA.
LoDuca AL, Katz A, Broutman L, Hanson M. Ease of Use and Usefulness of a Simple Interface Interactive, Virtual Patient Case in a Small Classroom Setting. Poster presented at: Directors of Clinical Skills Courses Annual Conference; November, 2018; Austin, TX
Fewster-Thuente L, Batteson T, Garber SS. Experiential learning teaches Interprofessional knowledge, attitudes, skills, and behaviors. Oral presentation at: Jefferson Center for Interprofessional Education Conference: Interprofessional Care for the 21st Century; October, 2018; Philadelphia, PA.
Batteson T, Garber SS, Fewster-Thuente L. Meeting Mr. Sodo: The creation of a social determinants of health standardized patient for an IPE low-fidelity simulation experience. Oral presentation at: Jefferson Center for Interprofessional Education Conference: Interprofessional Care for the 21st Century; October, 2018; Philadelphia, PA.
Fewster-Thuente L, Garber SS, Batteson T. Creating practical teaching and learning opportunities with interprofessional student-led grand rounds. Oral presentation at: Jefferson Center for Interprofessional Education Conference: Interprofessional Care for the 21st Century; October, 2018; Philadelphia, PA.
Bunting SR, Saqueton RS, Batteson, T. An Interprofessional Service- Learning Curriculum Model for Educating Community Healthcare Workers and Students about HIV Risk and PrEP. Oral presentation at: Jefferson Center for Interprofessional Education Conference: Interprofessional Care for the 21st Century; October, 2018; Philadelphia, PA.
Garber SS, Batteson T, Fewster-Thuente L, Gordon W. (2018, September). Interprofessional competency for faculty. Oral presentation at: Inaugural Interprofessional Showcase at the University of New England; September, 2018; Portland, ME.
Gordon W, Fewster-Thuente L. Playing to learn: Manipulating risk and consequence to teach interprofessional teamwork in healthcare. Oral presentation at: All Together Better Health Conference; September, 2018; Auckland, NZ.
Fewster-Thuente L, Gordon W. Using experiential learning to teach interprofessional knowledge, attitudes, skills & behaviors. Oral presentation at: All Together Better Health Conference; September, 2018; Auckland, NZ.
Holland C, Lempicki K, Hanson M. A Conversation Analysis of Web-based and Face-to-face Interprofessional Team Communication During a Standardized Patient Encounter. Poster presented at: Chicago Simulation Consortium Quarterly Meeting; August, 2018; Downers Grove, IL
Launder M, Krebsbach C, Eulenberg B. Everything Old Is New Again - Feedback Refresher Training for Experienced Standardized Patients. Oral presentation at: Association of Standardized Patient Educators Annual Conference; June, 2018; Alexandria, VA.
Gordon W, Thuente L, Rothenberg S. Sustaining our program an evolving approach to TeamSTEPPS in an academic institution. Poster presented at: American Hospital Association Team Training National Conference; June, 2018, San Diego, CA.
Gordon W, Fewster-Thuente L, Rothenberg S. Playing to learn: Why and how games of all types foster team training. Oral presentation at: American Hospital Association Team Training National Workshop; June, 2018; San Diego, CA.
Baker-Rush M, Zemsky Dineen M. Critical Thinking for the Critically Ill: The Big Picture in Trach and Vent Care. Oral presentation at: American Speech Language Hearing Association (ASHA); November, 2017; Los Angeles, CA.
Baker-Rush M. Self-Efficacy, perceived skills, and real knowledge of Speech-Language-Pathologists. Oral presentation at: Western Social Science Association; April, 2017; San Francisco, CA.
Carlson J, Batteson T. Development and testing of a new framework to improve diagnostic reasoning and accuracy in medical and health professionals. $225,000.00 grant received from Coverys Community Foundation.